About SUSA

We develop and manage standards and methods under the slogan “standards for a sustainable future”. 

Standards and methods


  • The Swedish Environmental Base standard for environmental management systems  
  • The Swedish Quality Base standard for quality management systems 
  • The SUSA method for sustainable management of events 

Approved auditors

SUSA continuously educate and review our affiliated auditors to ensure compliance with our standards 

  • Auditors of the Swedish Environmental Base environmental management system standard 
  • Auditors for the Swedish Quality Base quality management system standard 
  • Auditors for sustainable management method

Issuers of certificates and diplomas

Part of SUSA´s assignment is to examine and approve our affiliated issuers of certificates and diplomas.  

  • Issuers of certificates in accordance with the Swedish Environmental Base environmental management system standard 
  • Issuers of certificates in accordance with the Swedish Quality Base quality management system standard 

Our mission – Standards for a sustainable future 

We strive for our standards to be widely used and nationally recognized. We accomplish this by welcoming new members to our association, adding new approved auditors and issuers to our stable and reaching out to more businesses, organizations and events who wish to use our standards and methods. 

Agenda 2030

Our history

The 00s

The SUSA association had its infancy in the early 00s when several of our founding organizations such as the city of Gothenburg, Järfälla municipality, FR2000 among others, started cooperating in developing a shared standard for environmental management systems. 


The association Swedish Environmental Base was formed and our first standard was approved. 


The association Swedish Quality Base was formed by Cowi AB, Miljöstegen, RSM&CO AB, SEE U, Sustema, Yggrasil and Miljökompassen. The first standard was approved in 2016.


The two associations merged under the name SUSA-sustainable standards. The shared vision was to expand our work in developing standards for a sustainable future. 

SUSAs purpose and mission

  • Work for a sustainable development of commercial, public and non-profit organizations. 
  • Ensure a high level of quality, competence, and compliance within our organization. 
  • Provide, develop, and market the associations approved standards, methods, and tools. 
  • Maintain a high credibility towards our members and affiliates. 
  • Work to welcome new members into the association. 
  • Monitor matters in the associations field of interest, both nationally and internationally 

Adopted statutes are available in Swedish